Star Trek: Alternate Universes, Realities & Timelines

Embark on a cosmic adventure through Star Trek’s vast multiverse! Explore various timelines, alternate realities, and parallel universes with our definitive guide. Navigate with ease using our ingenious tool – and boldly go where no one has gone before!

Trekking Through Time: A Star-Stellar Guide to the Multiverse of Star Trek

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Greetings, fellow time-travelers and interstellar enthusiasts! Prepare for a journey through the cosmos as we explore the various timelines, universes, and alternate realities throughout the illustrious history of Star Trek. Buckle up your seatbelts and set phasers to stun – you’re in for a warp-speed ride through space-time!

Main Attraction: The Prime Timeline

In our first stop on this cosmic voyage, we find ourselves in the one-and-only “Prime Timeline.” This is where it all began – from Captain Kirk’s swashbuckling exploits aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise to Captain Picard’s diplomatic engagements with extraterrestrial species.

Herein lies the core narrative of Star Trek that has captivated audiences for generations.

A Twist in Time: The Kelvin Timeline

Welcome to an alternate reality; one where Captain Kirk’s father met an untimely end due to Nero’s vengeful Romulan ways. With this pivotal event comes a new branching path known as the “Kelvin Timeline.” It birthed J.J. Abrams’ cinematic reboot of Star Trek and cast Chris Pine as a new version of James T. Kirk.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Mirror Universe

Imagine a parallel universe with evil counterparts for our beloved characters – complete with goatees for dramatic effect! Enter “The Mirror Universe,” where morality takes a backseat and tyranny prevails under the iron-fisted rule of Emperor Spock (or perhaps Empress Hoshi). Fans got their first glimpse into this dark realm during an eerie episode aptly titled “Mirror, Mirror” in TOS.

Yesterday’s Enterprise… Today? Yesterday’s Enterprise Timeline

When it comes to alternate timelines like Yesterday’s Enterprise, we must heed Yogi Berra’s sage advice: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” This particular divergence sees the U.S.S. Enterprise-C thrust 22 years into its future, forcing its crew to make difficult choices with profound consequences.

Not Your Typical Crossover: The Mirror Universe Crossover

Can’t get enough of alternate realities? Look no further than “The Mirror Universe Crossover,” which saw Captain Sisko & Co. swapping places with their doppelgangers from another reality during a Deep Space Nine story arc.

A War Without Boundaries: Temporal Cold War

Temporal warzones are nothing new in Star Trek – just ask the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager who found themselves embroiled in a “Year of Hell Timeline.” However, when it comes to conflicts on a quantum scale, few rival the epic struggle waged during the “Temporal Cold War.”

Trekking Through Time: Other Timelines and Universes

We’ve only scratched the surface of timey-wimey weirdness that pervades Star Trek’s multiverse. From City on the Edge of Forever’s dramatic shifts through history to Parallels Timeline’s infinite possibilities aboard U.S.S. Enterprise-D, there’s never a dull moment for Starfleet officers (and viewers) alike.

The Ultimate Companion: Navigating Star Trek Timelines Tool

Now that we’ve delved into this celestial rabbit hole, we’re proud to introduce our latest invention – an interactive tool designed for navigating these wondrous timelines! With filters like character, movie, show, century and more at your fingertips, you can easily jump to any point in these breathtaking alternate realities!

So warp yourself into Start Trek Alternate Life and let your imagination roam free across Start Trek Alternate Reality or even Start Trek Parallel Universe! No matter where you choose to explore within this vast tapestry of temporal tapestries – whether it be the Mirror Universe or the Prime Timeline – be assured that you will boldly go where no one has gone before!

End Transmission

All records of Star Trek timelines, universes and alternate realities

Prime TimelineThe main Star Trek timeline, including events of the original series, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, and most moviesMain timeline22nd-24thStar Trek: The Original Series (1966)All series and most moviesJames T. Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, Benjamin Sisko, Kathryn Janeway, Jonathan ArcherStar Trek Generations, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Trials and Tribble-ations"The foundation for all other Star Trek timelines and universes
Kelvin TimelineThe alternate timeline created in the 2009 Star Trek movie, featuring a younger version of the original series crew and more advanced technologyAlternate timeline23rdStar Trek (2009)Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness, Star Trek BeyondJames T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Montgomery ScottStar Trek (2009) with Leonard Nimoy's Spock from the Prime TimelineCreated by Nero's time travel in the 2009 movie, diverging from the Prime Timeline
Mirror UniverseA parallel universe featuring a brutal Terran Empire instead of the United Federation of PlanetsParallel universe22nd-24thStar Trek: The Original Series "Mirror Mirror"(1967)Episodes in Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Enterprise (2001) Star Trek: DiscoveryJames T. Kirk, Spock, Benjamin Sisko, Kira Nerys, Jonathan ArcherStar Trek: Deep Space Nine "Crossover", Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Through the Looking Glass", Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Shattered Mirror"Features darker, more ruthless versions of Prime Timeline characters
Yesterday's Enterprise TimelineAn altered timeline where the Federation is at war with the Klingon Empire due to the time-displaced USS Enterprise-CAlternate timeline24thStar Trek: The Next Generation "Yesterday's Enterprise"(1990)Star Trek: The Next GenerationJean-Luc Picard, Tasha Yar, Guinan, Richard Castillo, William T. RikerNoneTimeline is erased when the Enterprise-C returns to its proper time
Year of Hell TimelineA timeline created by the Krenim weaponizing time travel to erase planets and species, causing suffering for the Voyager crewAlternate timeline24thStar Trek: Voyager "Year of Hell"parts 1 and 2 (1997)Star Trek: VoyagerKathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, Tom Paris, AnnoraxNoneTimeline is erased when the Krenim weapon ship is destroyed
The Mirror Universe CrossoverA crossover event between the prime reality and the alternate reality, causing confusion, chaos, and conflict between the two timelinesCrossover eventUnknownStar Trek novels and fan theoriesStar Trek novels and fan-created contentJames T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, Mirror James T. Kirk, Mirror SpockStar Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Enterprise (2001), Star Trek: DiscoveryExplores the interactions between the prime and mirror universes and their respective characters
Temporal Cold WarA conflict between factions from different time periods, attempting to manipulate history for their own benefitSeries of alternate timelines31stStar Trek: Enterprise (2001)Star Trek: Enterprise (2001)Jonathan Archer, Daniels, Silik, Vosk, Crewman DanielsNoneThe Temporal Cold War is resolved in the Star Trek: Enterprise (2001) series finale, "These Are the Voyages..."
Star Trek Online TimelineA timeline continuing the events of the Prime Timeline, following Star Trek: Nemesis and the destruction of Romulus in the 2009 movieContinuation of the main timeline25thStar Trek Online (2010)Star Trek Online gamePlayer-created characters, various Star Trek alumni reprising their rolesCharacters and events from all seriesOfficially licensed continuation of the Prime Timeline in the form of an MMORPG
Star Trek: Discovery TimelineA timeline technically part of the Prime Timeline but considered separate by some fans due to visual and narrative differencesMain timeline (debatably separate)23rdStar Trek: Discovery (2017)Star Trek: DiscoveryMichael Burnham, Saru, Gabriel Lorca, Christopher Pike, Philippa GeorgiouNoneTakes place approximately 10 years before the events of Star Trek: The Original Series
City on the Edge of Forever TimelineAn altered timeline where Captain Kirk and Spock travel back in time to 1930s Earth, inadvertently changing historyAlternate timeline20thStar Trek: The Original Series "The City on the Edge of Forever"(1967)Star Trek: The Original SeriesJames T. Kirk, Spock, Edith Keeler, Leonard McCoy, Guardian of ForeverNoneTimeline is erased when Kirk and Spock return to their proper time
Timeless TimelineAn alternate future where Voyager crash-lands, and an older Harry Kim travels back in time to prevent the accidentAlternate timeline24thStar Trek: Voyager "Timeless"(1998)Star Trek: VoyagerHarry Kim, Chakotay, Kathryn Janeway, Tom Paris, Seven of NineNoneTimeline is erased when Kim successfully prevents Voyager's crash
Past Tense TimelineSisko, Bashir, and Dax accidentally transported back in time to 2024 Earth, with Sisko assuming the role of a historical figureAlternate timeline21stStar Trek: Deep Space Nine "Past Tense"parts 1 and 2 (1995)Star Trek: Deep Space NineBenjamin Sisko, Julian Bashir, Jadzia Dax, Chris Brynner, Gabriel BellNoneTimeline is erased when Sisko, Bashir, and Dax return to their proper time
Twilight TimelineAn alternate timeline where Earth is destroyed by the Xindi, and Captain Archer loses his short-term memory due to a parasiteAlternate timeline22ndStar Trek: Enterprise (2001) "Twilight"(2003)Star Trek: Enterprise (2001)Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Charles "Trip"Tucker, Malcolm Reed, Hoshi SatoNoneTimeline is erased when Archer's memory parasite is destroyed
Parallels TimelineA series of parallel universes with slight differences in history and the lives of the Enterprise crew, explored when Worf travels between themSeries of parallel universes24thStar Trek: The Next Generation "Parallels"(1993)Star Trek: The Next GenerationWorf, William T. Riker, Jean-Luc Picard, Data, Deanna TroiNoneExplores various alternate realities with different outcomes for the characters and the Federation
Endgame TimelineAn older version of Admiral Janeway travels back in time to help Voyager return to the Alpha Quadrant sooner, creating a new timelineAlternate timeline24th-25thStar Trek: Voyager "Endgame"(2001)Star Trek: VoyagerKathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, Seven of Nine, B'Elanna TorresNoneThe new timeline accelerates Voyager's return home and changes the fate of several characters
ProtouniverseA nascent universe in the process of forming or expanding, with connections to the prime universe through subspace rifts or wormholesAlternate universeUnknownStar Trek: The Next Generation "Where No One Has Gone Before"(1987)Star Trek: The Next GenerationJean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Data, Wesley Crusher, KosinskiNoneThe crew encounters a being from this universe, revealing the existence of other dimensions
Tertiary Subspace Manifold UniverseA universe that exists within a higher level of subspace, beyond the primary and secondary subspace layers, with unknown properties and inhabitantsAlternate universeUnknownStar Trek: The Next Generation "Where No One Has Gone Before"(1987)Star Trek: The Next GenerationJean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Data, Wesley Crusher, KosinskiNoneThe concept of higher subspace layers is introduced, hinting at the existence of other dimensions
Transwarp Space UniverseA universe that exists within a realm of transwarp space, allowing for faster-than-light travel, with unknown properties and inhabitantsAlternate universeUnknownStar Trek: The Next Generation "Where No One Has Gone Before"(1987)Star Trek: The Next GenerationJean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Data, Wesley Crusher, KosinskiNoneThe concept of transwarp space is introduced, hinting at the existence of other dimensions
The Genesis IncidentAn alternate reality where the Genesis Device is discovered earlier, leading to a race to control and harness its power between the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star EmpireAlternate realityUnknownStar Trek novels and fan theoriesStar Trek novels and fan-created contentJames T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, Khan, Carol MarcusNoneExplores the implications of the Genesis Device on the balance of power in the galaxy
The Borg InvasionA timeline where the Borg launch a full-scale invasion of the Alpha Quadrant earlier, leading to an alliance between the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star EmpireAlternate timelineUnknownStar Trek novels and fan theoriesStar Trek novels and fan-created contentJean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Data, Worf, Kathryn JanewayNoneExplores the potential consequences of a Borg invasion on the galaxy and its major powers
The Temporal WarAn alternate reality where the Temporal Cold War escalates into a full-blown conflict, plunging the galaxy into a state of temporal chaosAlternate realityUnknownStar Trek novels and fan theoriesStar Trek novels and fan-created contentJonathan Archer, T'Pol, Daniels, Silik, VoskNoneExplores the potential consequences of a full-scale Temporal War on the galaxy and its major powers
The Galactic PeaceAn alternate reality where the galaxy experiences an unprecedented era of peace and cooperation between the major powersAlternate realityUnknownStar Trek novels and fan theoriesStar Trek novels and fan-created contentJean-Luc Picard, Kathryn Janeway, Benjamin Sisko, Kira Nerys, Jadzia DaxNoneExplores the potential for peace and cooperation in the galaxy
Planet Data TimelineAn alternate reality where Data's creator, Dr. Noonien Soong, successfully creates an entire race of androids, leading to a future where androids are part of the Federation, and people can upload their minds into android bodiesAlternate realityUnknownMyriad Universes story "Brave New World"Star Trek novelsData, Noonien Soong, Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna TroiNoneExplores the potential impact of a race of androids on the Federation and the galaxy
Dominion Dominant TimelineAn alternate reality where the Cardassians discover the Bajor wormhole and forge an alliance with the Dominion, leading to a brutal conflict that results in the Dominion's triumphAlternate realityUnknownMyriad Universe novellaStar Trek novelsBenjamin Sisko, Kira Nerys, Gul Dukat, Weyoun, OdoNoneExplores the potential consequences of a Dominion victory in the Alpha Quadrant
Enterprise-C IncidentAn alternate timeline created by the USS Enterprise-C being accidentally transported from 2344 to 2366, leading to a prolonged war with the Klingon EmpireAlternate timeline24thStar Trek: The Next Generation "Yesterday's Enterprise"(1990)Star Trek: The Next GenerationJean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Data, Tasha Yar, GuinanNoneExplores the potential consequences of a prolonged war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire
The Inner LightAn episode exploring an intimate character study of Captain Picard living an alternate life on an alien planetAlternate life24thStar Trek: The Next Generation "The Inner Light"(1992)Star Trek: The Next GenerationJean-Luc Picard, Eline, Batai, Meribor, KamieNoneExplores themes of identity, memory, and the nature of reality
Course: OblivionAn episode where the Voyager crew discovers they are not the real crew but bio-mimetic copies, delving into questions of identity and humanityAlternate identity24thStar Trek: Voyager "Course: Oblivion"(1999)Star Trek: VoyagerKathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, Tom Paris, Harry KimNoneExplores themes of identity, self-awareness, and the nature of existence
GN-z11 UniverseA universe located at the most distant known point from Earth, approximately 32 billion light years awayAlternate universe24thStar Trek: The Next Generation "Where No One Has Gone Before"(1987)Star Trek: The Next GenerationJean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Data, Worf, Deanna TroiNoneExplores themes of exploration, the unknown, and the limits of human understanding.
Mirror Universe CrossoverA freak subspace anomaly causes a rift between the prime reality and the alternate reality, leading to an unprecedented crossover event between the two timelinesAlternate reality23rdStar Trek: The Original Series "Mirror Mirror"(1967)Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Enterprise (2001), Star Trek: DiscoveryJames T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota UhuraStar Trek: Deep Space Nine "Crossover", Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Through the Looking Glass", Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Shattered Mirror", Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Resurrection", Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "The Emperor's New Cloak", Star Trek: Enterprise (2001) "In a Mirror Darkly"Parts 1 and 2, Star Trek: Discovery "Despite Yourself", Star Trek: Discovery "The Wolf Inside", Star Trek: Discovery "Vaulting Ambition", Star Trek: Discovery "What's Past Is Prologue"Explores themes of morality, power, and the consequences of choices.


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